Mo So Cave

Mo So Cave

Mo So is a hidden cave in the cave system of Kien Giang province in southwest of Vietnam featuring you an amazing adventure to explore the beauty of the cave in the darkness. Don't you dare to explore this cave in Phu Quoc tours, let's challenge your mind in this cave.

About Mo So Cave

Mo So in Khmer means white rock. This cave is located close to the sea in Ba Nui, Binh An, Kien Luong, about 30km from Ha Tien, and 5km from the highway. The Elephant Moutain, Cloud Mountain and Quynh Mountain form a very beautiful rocky mountain range.

Mo So Cave consists of natural rocky formations shaped like a termite mould in a limestone mountain, and an uninterrupted and tortous chain of rocky hallows.

Mo So cave

Mo So cave

Venture Mo So Cave

It used to serve as a revolutionary base of Vietnamese liberation troops with an arseral, an army medicine hospital and a logistic store. Sandwiched between Mo So mountains is a valley about 1,000 sq.meters. to enter the valley you will have to pass a rocky cave that runs through the foot of the mountains. Very impressive! Despite the constant hot weather outside, but inside the cave it is very cool. The vestiges of thousands of years still leave their marks on the rocky walls through borer and arca shells. You’ll hardly notice the vitality of the plants on this rocky mountain and if you do you will be amazed to see that the branches and roots thread their way under the crevices of the rocks to the bottom of the cave to suck water to feed the rest of the plants.

Mo So becomes more attractive and mysterious with the stalactites of different shapes and sizes which depending on human rich imagination they may be an animal, a man, or an object. The cave was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information a cultural and historical heritage site in February 1995.

Mo So Cave is extremely a gorgeous cave in Kien Giang where you can release your curiosity to adventure the cave in darkness. If this information is useful for you, don't forget to like and share this post. Thank you!