How to travel from Hanoi to Phu Quoc

How to travel from Hanoi to Phu Quoc

Both Phu Quoc and Hanoi are listed as Vietnam’s most famous tourist sites. Many travelers choose to visit Phu Quoc after finishing the trip to Hanoi. Moreover, Hanoi is also a transportation center in the North so many people must reach Hanoi before going to other destinations across the country. Here is our suggestion of how to get to Phu Quoc from Hanoi.

Going by airplane directly from Hanoi to Phu Quoc

This way is the most convenient as well as the least time-consuming one. At present, every day, there are often 4-6 direct flights from Hanoi to Phu Quoc. The fare is around $65-217 one way, depending on time and the brand. Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar and Vietjet offer direct flights from Hanoi to Phu Quoc with the different prices and departure times. The travel time is 2 hours and 10 minutes. The ticket price of Vietnam Airlines is often higher than that of Jetstar and Vietjet. If your schedule is flexible, you can seek for the cheap flight from the companies of Jetstar and Vietjet to save your money. Jetstar aircraft frequently depart at 9:20 while the departure time of Vietjet is more various (14:45, 12:20, 6:35). The airplanes of Vietnam Airlines from Hanoi to Phu Quoc often depart at 9:45, 11:35, 11:55 and 12:00.

Airplane+Coach bus+Ferry

Airplane & Coach bus

If you wish to experience several kinds of transportation or explore the different routes to Phu Quoc, this more complicated way may be suitable for you. If preferable, you can stop at some spots along the way before continuously heading to Phu Quoc.

Firstly, you need to take the flight from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city. There are lots of direct flights from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city with the various departure times and the different prices. In general, the fare ranges from $70 to $260 one way.

Then, you must catch the bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Rach Gia or Ha Tien before taking the ferry to Phu Quoc. The distance between Ho Chi Minh city and Rach Gia is about 280 kilometers and it can take around 6 hours to travel by bus. Besides, Ho Chi Minh city is 350 kilometers away from Ha Tien town and it can take around 7 hours to transfer.

Coach bus from Saigon to Phu Quoc

From Ho Chi Minh city to Rach Gia, you can catch the shuttle bus with the price from $6-13 per person one way, depending on the type of car and the time. Here are some brands of coach buses you may consider:

►Thien Thanh limousine: The 20-seat car (with the mini bed) - $12, the 16-seat car - $8.7 Phuong Trang 40-seat (with the mini bed): $6.1

►Kumho Samco 40-seat (with the mini bed): $6.5

From Ho Chi Minh to Ha Tien, you can catch the shuttle bus with the price from 160,000-220,000 per person one way, depending on the type of car and the time. Here are some brands of coach buses you may consider:

►Kumho Samco 40-seat (with the mini bed): $7.6

►Hoang Minh 40-seat (with the mini bed): $7

Catching the ferry to Phu Quoc

Fast ferry

It often takes you around 2 hours and 30 minutes to travel to Phu Quoc from Rach Gia or Ha Tien. There are several companies offering the fast ferry services to Phu Quoc, however, Superdong seems to be the most popular option. The fare ranges from $10 to $15, depending on the brand and the departure time. These fast ferries may drop passengers at Da Chong pier in Bai Thom commune or Bai Vong pier in Ham Ninh fishing village. At both Da Chong and Bai Vong ports, visitors can catch taxies or shared minibusses to reach their destination.

Tourists can easily buy tickets directly in the ferry offices throughout every big city in Vietnam. However, the simplest way is to buy the ticket from a travel agent. Moreover, visitors can purchase online or at the ferry terminal. In case tickets are sold out, you can go directly to the ferry terminal and find if there is a cancellation and you can get the canceled seat. If not, you may purchase the ticket from a scalper.  

Speedboat to Phu Quoc 

Slow ferry

The slow ferry is a larger boat transporting people, vehicles as well as heavy machinery. The most well-known brand in this field is Thanh Thoi Corporation. At the time of 2018, Thanh Thoi runs three ferry routes with the departure point of Ha Tien.

The one-way fare for the slow ferry is $8 for adult and $5.7 for the child (under 10) per person. In case of bringing the vehicle, visitors must pay the extra charged fee per vehicle.

High-speed boat

Equipped with a Roll Royce Engine, Phu Quoc Express can reach the optimal speed of up to 30 knots and carry 300 passengers comfortably. Every day, there are two trips from Ha Tien as well as Rach Gia to Bai Vong port in Phu Quoc. The fare from Rach Gia to Phu Quoc is $14.8 one way for the common ticket and the price of the VIP ticket is $23.5. The fare from Ha Tien to Phu Quoc is $11 one way for the common seat and $15 for the VIP ticket.

Note: The price is converted from Vietnam Dong to Dollar so these above numbers are approximative.

Being one of the most beautiful islands in Vietnam, Phu Quoc tour always leaves a strong impression on travelers. Traveling to Phu Quoc from Hanoi may be not as challenging as you think thanks to this guide. Hopefully, this article can help you less confused about how to travel to Phu Quoc from Hanoi.